Art Faculty - Tom Vician

Tom Vician

(815) 455-8786

Tom Vician received a Master of Fine Arts degree in ceramics from Illinois State University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in ceramics from Northern Michigan University. With a passion for both functional and sculptural ceramics, Tom is a committed professional in the arts, exhibiting his clay work regionally and nationally. His wood-fired, soda, and reduction-fired stoneware are in numerous collections, both private and public. Tom has been highly influenced by motivated and dedicated instructors and realizes the importance of quality education, and the profound impact it can have on one's life. Tom's teaching and sharing extend beyond the classroom into the community where he recently organized with his students the creation of a permanently installed mural representing families dealing with a profound personal loss. His fondness for people and love of sharing his knowledge provide a unique and quality experience for the art students at MCC.


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