instructor assisting student with digital camera


Does the Art Department offer photography courses?

Yes, we offer a large number of photography courses covering topics like history of photography, primitive photography, digital photography, and darkroom photography.

What equipment is available to photography students?

Our state of the art lab/studio/darkrooms have:

  • 5 individual enlarging rooms - Analog black and white darkroom equipped and formats from 35mm to 4x5 capable
  • A unique workroom/lab devoted to alternative and 19th Century darkroom processes
  • Black and white film processing stations and chemistry
  • Complete studio lighting equipment including electronic strobe and continuous lighting
  • Large format loaner cameras for use in the advanced studio lighting and advanced black and white classes
  • An industry standard Mac lab for digital classes
    • 24 iMac computers with 5K color calibrated monitors
    • 4 Epson Stylus Pro 4900 ink jet printers (paper up to 17" wide)
    • 2 Epson 44" Stylus Pro 9900 large format mural printers
    • 2 Epson 3880 inkjet printers
    • 2 Epson v750 film scanners
    • 20 Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) and mirrorless 24 mega-pixel digital cameras
  • Open studio time available to both darkroom photography and digital photography students

What are students working on in your photography classes?

See examples of Beginning Photography students' work and Digital Photography students' work.

Who teaches photography courses?

What job opportunities are available to photography majors?

Students who earn a degree in photography work as:

  • Freelance photographers
  • Studio Photographers
  • Photojournalists
  • Photography production support and assistants
  • Photographers at advertising agencies
  • Photography teachers
  • Artists

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