Resources for Undocumented Students and Families
Below are frequently asked questions asked by students, parents, and community members.
Does MCC provide immigration services?
MCC partners with North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic to offer students free immigration legal consultations. These confidential sessions give students access to professional legal advice in person or virtually.
Email Marcos Saldivar, the Undocumented Student Liaison, or call (815) 479-7749 for an in-person consultation. Sessions are held on the second Wednesday of each month.
Email North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic directly or call (847) 737-4042 for virtual appointments. Sessions are available Monday through Friday.
What other organizations offer immigration services in the area?
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center — Working with and educating immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to help build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people.
- Immigrant Justice Network — The Immigrant Justice Network fights for the human rights of all immigrants. We work with our partners toward a vision of communities that are healthy and thriving, not torn apart by unfair and discriminatory policing, incarceration, and deportation.
- New Americans Campaign Network — Call any of our partners for help with questions about the naturalization process or to find a citizenship application event in your area. You can also use the toll-free hotlines:
- English/Spanish (NALEO Educational Fund): 888-839-8682
- Chinese (Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA): 800-520-2356
- Korean (Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA): 800-867-3640
- Tagalog (Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA): 855-300-2552
- Thai (Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA): 800-914-9583
Organizations in the Local Area:
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago
- Centro de Informacion
- Chinese Mutual Aid Association
- Erie Neighborhood House
- Family Focus Aurora
- Hana Center
- Hanul Family Alliance
- Hispanic American Community Education and Services
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
- Indo-American Center
- Instituto del Progreso Latino
- Latinos Progresando
- Mano a Mamo
- Muslim Women Resource Center
- National Immigration Justice Center
- The Resurrection Project
- United African Organization
Find immigration legal service providers in neighboring states — UnidosUS Affiliates are authorized by the U.S. Department of Justice to provide immigration legal services
Are there resources from the Consulate?
If you’re a DACA beneficiary of Mexican origin, remember that your consulate offers you assistance. We invite Mexican DACA recipients to approach their consulate for an immigration screening and individualized legal assistance. Chicago Mexican Consulate
Are there funds available to help me pay for the U.S. Citizenship application?
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will approve a fee waiver only if you demonstrate that you cannot pay the filing fees. They carefully consider the merits of each fee waiver request before deciding. Learn more about filing a fee waiver.
How can I find bilingual help?
- See the People in Need Forum Resource Directory (English) | People in Need Forum Resource Directory (Spanish)
- Tabor Therapy Group has counselors who speak Polish and Spanish. Call (815) 331-8768 or email Jennifer_Tabor for more information.
- Youth and Family Center of McHenry County has Spanish-speaking counselors and bi-cultural service navigators. To get help, call (815) 322-2357 or fill out their form.
- Association for Individual Development (AID) in McHenry has Spanish-speaking counselors. Call (877) 243-0001 for more information.
Where can I find help feeding myself (and/or my family)?
See the People in Need Forum Resource Directory (English) | People in Need Forum Resource Directory (Spanish)
MCC provides Café coupons for students to use on campus, and we also have mini pantries throughout the campus. Additionally, we partner with the Crystal Lake Food Pantry, where students can show their ID to access food resources.
How can I access Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits?
Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) - Use this site to apply for and manage your healthcare, food, and cash assistance benefits.
I am homeless, is help available for me?
If you struggle to find a roof over your head at night, these resources will help you find the assistance you need.
- If you need help navigating community housing and other resources, email Sam Clifford, House Liaison, or call (815) 479-7572.
- People in Need Forum of McHenry County - The annual forum is an excellent resource for human service agencies, faith-based organizations, civic group members, law enforcement, elected officials, school personnel, individuals interested in volunteer opportunities, or those seeking assistance. See the People in Need Forum Resource Directory (English) | People in Need Forum Resource Directory (Spanish)
- Pioneer Center for Human Services - Meeting people’s most basic needs of food, shelter, and support through programs designed for youth, families, and individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Our services include McHenry County PADS, Runaway and Homeless Youth Program, and Homeless Youth 18-23 Program.
- Home of the Sparrow provides transitional shelter, affordable housing, rapid rehousing, and supportive services that address the core issues of homelessness. It serves single women, pregnant women, and women with children.
- Community Action Agency of McHenry County Head Start - (815) 338-8790 Head Start is a federally funded national preschool program for 3–5-year-olds at no cost to income-eligible families. Head Start Preschool centers are in Harvard, McHenry, and Crystal Lake. Classroom sessions are Monday through Thursday for 3.5 or 7 hours. Who we serve: 3–5-year-old children from income-eligible families in McHenry County. Foster children are also eligible. Eligibility requirements: Federal poverty income guidelines and family needs determine eligibility. Additional Information: Children and their families are helped to access necessary medical, dental, nutritional, educational, and social services in our community. Other Languages Offered/Interpreter Availability: Spanish
- Veterans Path to Hope Transitional Living Services - Our drop-in resource center for veterans and their families offers certified veteran peer support to any veteran and family needing assistance. The peer support group provides on-site access to the food pantry, individual and group support for veterans in recovery, information for veterans struggling with claims barriers, and referral to other agency services such as New Horizons Transitional living, employment assistance, housing assistance, and counseling. TLS Veterans has many community partners that work together to offer a safety network for veterans in need.
What academic and economic support resources does MCC offer undocumented students?
MCC offers services that are accessible to all students, including undocumented students and English language learners (ELL) seeking academic assistance.
MCC also offers comprehensive financial assistance and support services to help students succeed academically and personally.
Where can I find information on legislation affecting undocumented students?
This section lists trustworthy websites that offer information on legislation affecting undocumented students and other crucial resources.
- DACA Graduate School Loans: Information for Students
- Higher Ed Immigration Portal
- Illinois Dream Fund | Facebook
- Immigrants Rising – Transforming Lives Through Education
- Applying for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- My Undocumented Life – Up-to-date information and resources for undocumented students, families, and allies