Kids and College - Frequently Asked Questions

Your student will experience hands-on, engaging classes with innovative, tech-savvy instructors who will make their curriculum come to life on the campus of MCC or an alternate location. Students will have a great time exploring new concepts, skills, and ideas while making new friends. Spring Break and Summer classes will be held in-person and are scheduled for either a morning (9 a.m. to Noon), afternoon (1-4 p.m.), or all-day (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) session.
  • Early Arrival and Late Departure
    The Kids and College Program will be offering early arrival and late departure options for Spring Break and Summer. Students must register to participate. Early arrival begins at 7:30 a.m. and late departure ends at 5:30 p.m. Students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m.
  • Registration

    We offer two convenient ways to register for Kids and College. Limited space is available for each class session and registration closes one week prior to the start of a class.

    OnlineComplete the registration form.

    Phone: Call the Office of Registration and Records at (815) 455-8588 to speak with an enrollment processor.

    Please note: Parents or guardians registering their camper online should begin by creating a household profile with the parent or guardian's contact information prior to adding the student.

  • Tuition and Fees
    The tuition and fees for each class are stated in the class description in the program booklet and online. All tuition must be paid at the time of registration. MCC accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Required supplies are included in the fees unless otherwise indicated in the class description.
  • Program Changes and Additional Class Offerings
    The Kids and College schedule of activities is subject to change. Any additional class offerings will be posted to the website.
  • Refund and Cancellation Policy
    A full refund will be given if the Office of Registration and Records is notified no later than one week prior to the start of the student's first class or if the class is canceled by MCC due to insufficient enrollment. Please note: no refund will be given beginning the first day of class or if MCC is closed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Student's Guide
    All registered students will be emailed a Kids and College Student Guide, which will include information about arrival and departure, student expectations, health and safety protocols, what to bring, and required forms. This guide will be sent to the email used during registration.
  • Required Camper Forms

    All registered students must submit student forms before their first day of class. Forms are due no later than one week before each class starts. Failure to submit the student forms will result in cancellation of registration. Forms need to be completed once for classes held from September to May, and once for classes held from June to August. Forms can be completed online.

    Certain classes may require additional forms. Students registered for those classes will be emailed the required forms before each class starts.

  • Lunch and Snack Breaks
    A supervised lunch period from 12-1 p.m. will be available for students who participate in either an all-day class or two classes on the same day (morning and afternoon). Students who are attending the supervised lunch period are required to bring a healthy, nut-free sack lunch. Refrigeration is not available.
    Students may bring a healthy, nut-free snack for break time as well. Students will not have access to vending machines during the class period.
    We encourage campers to bring a refillable water bottle each day for lunch and during class.
  • ADA Accommodations and Accessibility
    MCC encourages all individuals to participate in its programs and activities. If you need an accommodation or a sign language interpreter, please contact the Access and Disability Services department at (815) 455-8766 or by email.