Drawings of a gear, a light, an outline of a human holding a laptop, and a medical cross

Adult Education Bridge Program

MCC's Adult Education Bridge program provides the help you need to earn the academic (high school diploma), employability, and technical skills to launch you into your new career. 

The Bridge program prepares you with 

  • Industry-specific knowledge like math skills needed in a particular field or vocabulary
  • Information about the types of credentials necessary for a job and how long it may take you to earn credentials
  • Skills like resume writing, interviewing, and test preparation

Bridge Programs Offered:

  1. Administrative Office Management
  2. Business
  3. Healthcare
  4. Manufacturing

Some students complete the Bridge program and begin the Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (ICAPS) program to prepare for more education or employment opportunities in their specific career area.

Bridge Program Eligibility

Must be an MCC Adult Education student who is

  • Taking GED, ESL, or citizenship classes 
  • At an ESL 5 or higher

How to Enroll in the Bridge Program

Meet with Adult Education staff to register for the Bridge program.