Nursing AAS

The Registered Nursing AAS program is designed to prepare you to function as a professional nurse in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and private homes and offices. Become an RN at a fraction of the cost of a four-year university.

The MCC nursing program is approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination (NCLEX-RN®), which may lead to licensure as a Registered Professional Nurse (RN).

Public Notice of Upcoming Accreditation Review Visit by the ACEN

McHenry County College wishes to announce that it will host a site visit for continuing accreditation of its associate degree nursing program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person at a meeting scheduled at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, in E204 of the E building located at 8900 U.S. Highway 14, Crystal Lake, IL 60012

Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted to the ACEN via email at or to the ACEN office:

Attn: Accreditation Services
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing 3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326

*All written comments should be received by the ACEN by September 30, 2024

The Associate Degree in Nursing program at McHenry County College located in Crystal Lake, IL is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326 404-975-5000

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) logo

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate nursing program is initial accreditation (2019).

Program Outcomes of the Nursing Program

  • Performance on NCLEX-RN
    Annual pass rates of first-time National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX-RN) takers
    Program Type 2023 2022 2021
    LPN-RN N/A N/A N/A
    RN 100% 91% 91%
    All program types 100% 91% 91%
  • Program Completion Rate
    Percent of nursing students that complete the program
    Program Type 2023 2022 2021
    LPN-RN N/A N/A N/A
    ADN 66% 67% 72%
    All program types 66% 67% 72%
  • Job Placement
    Percent of students that are employed in the field of nursing within one year of graduation
    Academic Year Employed in Nursing Survey Completion Rate
    2022/2023 91% 34.4%
    2021/2022 100% 45%
    2020/2021 100% 43%

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Nursing Program at McHenry County College meets the state education requirements for a Registered Nurse license in the State of Illinois. McHenry County College has not determined if the AAS Nursing Program at McHenry County College meets the state education requirements in any other state, any U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia. Contact the state regulatory agency for nursing in any other state for which this information is needed.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has resources that may be helpful.

Requirements and Guidelines

Contact (815) 455-8710 with specific questions about this program.

(in-district) Total Amount: $14,527.5

Credit Hours to Complete: 66

Weeks to Complete: 80

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Nursing Information Session Dates

Sample Semester 1-Summer 8 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: ENG-151#3 hrs,BIO-157#4 hrs,MCC-101#1 hr

Sample Semester 2-Fall 12 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: PSY-151#3 hrs,BIO-255#4 hrs,BIO-263#4 hrs,HCE-111#1 hr

Sample Semester 3-Spring 14 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: SPE-151#3 hrs,BIO-264#4 hrs,HCE-110#1 hr,PSY-250#3 hrs,HFE-250#3 hrs

Sample Semester 4-Summer 7 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: NAE-100#7 hrs

Sample Semester 5-Fall 7 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: NUR-112#3 hrs,NUR-115#4 hrs

Sample Semester 6-Spring 10 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: NUR-130#5 hrs,NUR-135#5 hrs

Sample Semester 7-Fall 9 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: NUR-212#5 hrs,NUR-215#4 hrs

Sample Semester 8-Spring 11 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: NUR-222#4 hrs,NUR-225#5 hrs,NUR-240#2 hrs

Career Outlook

Related Programs

What you need to know about getting your Nursing AAS (CIP 51.3801)

Total Nursing AAS Costs
Cost in-district out-of-district out-of-state international
Tuition $8,019 $21,723.9 $30,540.18 $30,540.18
Additional Costs $6,508.5 $6,508.5 $6,508.5 $6,508.5
Program Total $14,527.5 $28,232.4 $37,048.68 $37,048.68

A Word About Costs

To become a licensed registered nurse, you must successfully pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). See the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN) website for current cost information regarding registration and licensure fees.

Be aware that as a student in the nursing program, you will also incur costs including, but not limited to books, vaccinations, background checks, medical exams, Tuberculosis (TB) testing, drug screening, health insurance, and CPR (Basic Life Support) certification.

Since the 2020-2021 catalog, total degree credit hours equal 66-70. Total degree hours will be 70 for students needing BIO 157.

What makes MCC's Nursing AAS program better than, or distinct from, similar programs at other institutions?

  • MCC nursing program graduates pass the NCLEX at a rate that is above both state and national averages for both associate and bachelor degree programs.
  • MCC partners with four-year institutions to allow you an easy transition into a BSN program after graduating from MCC. See RN to BSN transfer guides.

How will MCC's Nursing AAS program prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

  • Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination (NCLEX-RN), which may lead to licensure as a Registered Professional Nurse (RN).
  • You will experience 12 hours a week of hands-on, clinical instruction in a hospital or healthcare setting beginning with the first semester, and continuing throughout the program.
  • Graduates are well-versed in and prepared to use, the technological tools and systems that are the standard in healthcare today.

What have graduates gone on to do?

  • Students have obtained employment at Advocate Health Care, Northwestern, Presence Health, Mercy Health System, and several area assisted-living and long-term care facilities
  • Our graduates have worked in nearly every facet of nursing from ER, OB, ICU, acute care, hospice, physician offices, assisted living, telehealth, and long-term care
  • Some graduates have received bachelor's degrees in nursing and are currently enrolled and pursuing their master's degrees

Outside the Classroom

  • Mission

    The mission of McHenry County College’s Nursing Degree Program is to develop students who are skilled in the profession of nursing, which is recognized as the environment, patient, health, and nurse. MCC students shall be distinguishable by their critical thinking, effective communication, professionalism, and technical competency. Students will use current and contemporary practices to demonstrate mastery of the Program Learning Outcomes.

  • Program Learning Objectives
    1. Demonstrate the attitudes, values, and behaviors consistent with the standards of professional nursing practice.
    2. Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication with clients, families, significant others, and members of the healthcare team.
    3. Utilize the nursing process as a basis for clinical decision-making in providing client, family, and community care.
    4. Incorporate evidence-based interventions in individualized plans of care.
    5. Provide individualized nursing care to diverse patients across the lifespan.
    6. Adhere to professional standards to maintain the safety of self, patient, and environment.

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Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

Students attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees. Prices for books and supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.