Access and Disability Services Rights and Responsibilities

MCC is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Accordingly, students with disabilities at MCC and the College have various rights and responsibilities, and MCC provides a grievance procedure for disability-related concerns.

  • What are Students’ Rights and Responsibilities at MCC?

    Students with disabilities who attend MCC have the following rights:

    • Equal access to courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities
    • Reasonable accommodations that provide equal opportunity
    • Access to auxiliary aids and/or assistive technology
    • Appropriate privacy of disability-related information and documentation, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Students with disabilities who attend MCC have the following responsibilities:

  • What are the College’s Rights and Responsibilities?

    McHenry County College has the following rights:

    • Establish standards for courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities and evaluate students based upon those standards
    • Require appropriate documentation to determine that the student has a disability and is eligible for specific accommodations
    • Select among equally effective accommodations, auxiliary aides, and assistive technologies
    • Deny an unreasonable request for an accommodation that fundamentally alters a course, program, or activity at the College

    McHenry County College, through Access and Disability Services, has the following responsibilities:

    • Serve as an advocate and liaison for students with disabilities and encourage them to become strong self-advocates
    • Collaborate with College partners to reduce or eliminate physical, academic, and attitudinal barriers for qualified individuals with disabilities
    • Provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to participate in College courses, programs, and activities
    • Facilitate instructor notification of approved accommodations, upon student request through the ADS student portal
    • Maintain appropriate privacy of disability-related information and documentation, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • What is the Grievance Procedure for Disability-Related Concerns?

    McHenry County College has adopted this grievance procedure to assure the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints that the College has violated the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), including complaints alleging retaliation for having complained of or opposed a violation of the ADA or Section 504.

    Any student who wishes to make a complaint of a violation of the ADA or Section 504, including a complaint of retaliation, may do so by contacting the Director of Access and Disability Services.

    Director of Access and Disability Service
    McHenry County College
    8900 U.S. Highway 14
    Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012
    Phone: (815) 455-8676

    The College prefers to receive complaints in writing, although alternative methods of communication, such as a personal or telephone interview, e-mail, or a tape recording, are acceptable. All complaints must be signed by the complainant. The complainant must provide his or her name and address and describe the alleged violation in as much detail as possible, including the date(s) and people involved. The College asks that the complainant make the complaint as soon after the alleged violation as possible, in order to allow a prompt investigation. All complaints must be filed within 180 days of the event or activity which is the subject of the complaint.

    If the complaint relates to a requested accommodation, and the Director of Access and Disability Services determines that a requested accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the College’s programs, services, or activities, or is an undue financial or administrative burden, the Director of Access and Disability Services will provide the complainant with a written statement of the reasons for reaching this determination. The Director of Access and Disability Services will also work with the complainant to attempt to identify alternative action by the College that would not result in such an alteration or such burdens, but would nevertheless ensure that the complainant receives the benefits and services of the College’s programs and activities.

    If the complainant is dissatisfied with the Director’s response, he or she may request reconsideration. The complainant may request reconsideration by submitting a written request to:

    Talia L. Koronkiewicz, Ed.D.
    Vice President of Student Affairs
    McHenry County College
    8900 U.S. Highway 14
    Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012
    Phone: (815) 455-8584

    The government enforcement agency for the ADA and Section 504 is the Office for Civil Rights. Complaints to that agency may be directed to:

    Chicago Office
    Office for Civil Rights
    U.S. Department of Education
    John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
    230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60604
    Phone: (312) 730-1560
    FAX: (312) 730-1576
    TDD: (800) 877-8339

Access and Disability Services requires a minimum of two weeks' notice to effectively arrange auxiliary services, including braille and sign language interpreters. We will make every reasonable effort to secure an interpreter for individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing within this timeframe. However, if an interpreter is unavailable, we will provide alternative technologies to ensure appropriate support. This policy also applies to braille services.