Traffic Safety School - What You Need to Know
Before Traffic Safety School (TSS)
Am I eligible for TSS?
If you have had supervision for another ticket within 12 months of this current ticket and you participated in a TSS in McHenry County or any other agency/county, you are not eligible. This 12-month period starts on the sentencing date, which is the date you enter your plea and not the date you attended TSS.
- Drivers age 16 and 17 years old must appear in Court with a parent or guardian to request Court Supervision before registering for TSS. They are required to attend Alive at 25 (classroom only).
- Do not register for TSS until you have been assigned a case number by the Court.
- Drivers 18 years and older may choose DDC-4 classroom or DDC-4 Online, unless directed by the Court to attend the 8-hour Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving (ADD-8).
It is your responsibility to verify your eligibility before registering for TSS. If you are uncertain about your eligibility, call the TSS at (815) 479-7777.
What is "Court Supervision"?
Court supervision is when the Court withholds judgment against you and does not enter a conviction as long as you comply with the terms of your sentence. If you have no other moving violations within the dates of court supervision and you attend TSS or complete online TSS, your ticket will not be reported as a conviction to the Secretary of State.
For most traffic law offenders, court supervision is for 120 days from the date you plead guilty unless otherwise specified by the Court.
If you receive another ticket for a moving violation before the end date of your court supervision, the Judge may revoke your supervision which could result in a conviction on your driving record.
If you are not eligible or fail to complete the TSS course successfully, a conviction will be reported to the Secretary of State and your TSS fees will not be refunded.
How do I request "Court Supervision with Traffic Safety School"?
Review the paperwork you received from the ticketing officer and verify the following:
- You have not reached the Court date listed on your ticket.
- The "appearance" section at the bottom of your paperwork is marked "no court appearance required".
If both conditions have been met, you are eligible to plead guilty and complete TSS to receive court supervision without a court appearance and avoid a conviction on your driving record.
Mail the paperwork provided by the ticketing officer to the McHenry County Circuit Clerk's Office indicating your guilty plea and request for court supervision. Include only the payment for your traffic ticket. Payments can also be made in person at the McHenry County Circuit Clerk’s Office at the Woodstock Court House (2200 N. Seminary Ave. in Woodstock) or on their website. The Circuit Clerk's office does not take payments over the phone, but you can contact the Circuit Clerk’s office with questions at (815) 334-4190.
How do I register and pay for TSS?
After you have submitted your request for court supervision (with Traffic Safety School) to the Court, use the link below to register and pay. All major credit/debit cards are accepted. Other forms of payment can be taken at MCC’s Main Campus at the Registration and Records Department at 8900 US. Highway 14 in Crystal Lake (Building A).
Online and in-person classes are offered in English and Spanish.
Can I reschedule my TSS?
Yes, if you can complete your class one week before your Court Supervision end date.
If you cancel your registration one business day before the class, we will refund your registration fee in full or apply your fee to another currently scheduled class. We will not refund your registration fee if you cancel your registration on, or after, the class start date. Contact Traffic Safety School at (815) 479-7777.
Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, our staff is not allowed to discuss case details or reschedule with anyone unless the student is a minor.
Can I take TSS here if I received my ticket outside of McHenry County?
Yes. Register and pay for TSS.
It is your responsibility to verify which class is needed and you must report your completion within the guidelines of your supervision.
Can I take TSS for a discount on my insurance?
Check with your auto insurance provider to see if they offer discounts for completing TSS.
It is your responsibility to provide your auto insurance provider with your certificate of completion.
Can I take a graduate to safety remedial driver education through TSS?
Call the National Safety Council at (800) 822-7009 (choose option 1) or go to National Safety Council’s Illinois Driver Safety Programs for more information.
Traffic Safety School Tips
Guidelines for completing your online class
- You may work on the class as much as you would like anytime day or night. You do not have to complete the class all in one sitting.
- To re-enter your class, select “Returning Student” and enter your Login ID and Password, and answer security questions.
- When you would like to take a break from your course, always select “Save and Exit” and then select “Log Out” on your account page. This will save your progress and prevent you from being locked out of your class.
- Do not log in to your account on more than one browser, device, or tab at the same time.
- The class must be completed ten days before your Court Supervision end date
Contact Traffic Safety School at (815) 479-7777 if you have any questions or need assistance.
The day of in-person Traffic Safety School
Traffic Safety school is held at the Catalyst Campus, 222 East Church Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098
- Arrive on time. If you're late, you will not be allowed into class and must pay a rescheduling fee, which is the full class cost.
- Bring a government-issued photo ID with you. You will not be admitted without a photo ID.
After Traffic Safety School
When you successfully complete TSS (either classroom or online), we'll notify the McHenry County Circuit Clerk who will update your case record.
If you do not complete the class within the terms of your supervision, a conviction will be reported to the Secretary of State. Contact the McHenry County Circuit Clerk at (815) 334-4190 (choose option 5) to discuss your options.