Exam/Testing Information
Here’s what you need to know about the different types of tests offered by the Testing Center. Choose a test for specific information.
- Accommodated Course Testing and Makeup Testing
Makeup exams are exams given when a student has missed a test in class, or is a documented Access and Disability Student.
- You should always talk to your instructor regarding testing in the Testing Center.
- Makeup and accommodated exams require an appointment. Here's how to schedule makeup and accommodated exam appointments:
- Go to your Canvas homepage
- Select the Canvas course shell for the exam you will be taking
- On the left-hand side of the screen, scroll to the bottom and select MCC Testing Center
- Your course information and personal information will auto-populate
- Select the date and time for your exam
- If you receive accommodations, you will be able to select which you would like to use for your exam
- Schedule at least 24 hours before your requested appointment time–if you don't see the time you need, call us at 815 455 8984, email us, or stop by A245.
- Provide a current photo ID to take any exam.
- Your instructor provides the last date to test on each exam. If that date has passed, reach out to your instructor.
- If you need to discuss a request for accommodations, reach out to the Access and Disability Services Department at 815 455 8766 or visit Access and Disability Services for more information
- Blended Courses
Meet on-campus for a reduced amount of time and experience the rest of the course online. Tests may need to be taken in the Testing Center.
- College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
CLEP testing offers the opportunity to earn college credit for information you already know. Visit the CLEP site for more information.
- Create an account on the CLEP site.
- Fill out demographic information, choose a testing location, a score recipient institution, and purchase study materials.
- Register and pay the fee for your CLEP exam at this site. Note, this does not reserve your appointment date or time.
- If you are active duty, reserve military or an eligible civilian, you may be eligible for a DANTES-funded CLEP exam.
- Once you have paid the fee, print your registration ticket and bring it to the Testing Center in A245 the day of the appointment along a signed government-issued photo identification (see detailed identification requirements).
- Schedule Your Testing Center Appointment
- Register online to schedule your test and pay the $20 fee
- If you miss your scheduled appointment, you forfeit your $20 fee.
- You may cancel your CLEP appointment at least 48 hours in advance without forfeiting your money by calling the Testing Center directly at (815) 455-8984.
- CLEP Exams with Remote Proctoring Now Available!
- Create an account on the CLEP site.
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
CNA testing is done to certify Basic Nursing Assistant Training students.
- MCC students who are CNA candidates register for exams in their class through Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
- All CNA scheduling is done through SIU. Exams are administered once monthly.
- See more information on the CNA testing or program
- High School Equivalency Exams (GED)
We offer the GED™ exam which is a computer-based exam. The General Educational Development (GED) tests can give you the opportunity to earn a High School Equivalency (HSE) certificate, by taking four subject exams: science, social studies, mathematics and reasoning through language arts. See information on HSE/GED preparation classes.
To register for and schedule GED computer-based tests:
Go to the GED Testing Service Site and follow the appropriate links to create an account, choose your exam and pay your fee. Enter your zip code to find the most convenient testing site.
On the Day of Your GED Test
- Be early. You will not be able to test if you arrive late, and you'll need to pay the testing fee again.
- Bring a current government-issued ID with photo and signature, such as a driver’s license or a State I.D. No one will be allowed to test without proper identification.
- If you have selected MCC as your GED Testing Site, report to the Testing Center in A245.
- Paraprofessional Certificate Testing
This is the exam that will allow you to work with children from kindergarten through high school as a teacher's aide, library aide, computer aide, special needs aide, or one-on-one aide.
Visit the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to see the eligibility requirements to be a paraprofessional (you may already be eligible) as well as the scores needed to apply for your Educator License with ISBE after testing.
If ACT Workkeys testing is required, contact your Regional Office of Education with your test results.
Paraprofessional Certificate testing consists of two parts:
- Applied Math Exam
- 55 minutes, 34 questions
- You are allowed to use a calculator from this list
- See Applied Math Exam details
- Workplace Documents Exam
- 55 minutes, 35 questions
- See Workplace Documents Exam details
Testing takes place in Building A, Room 245. Plan for two and a half hours to complete both exams.
Paraprofessional Certificate testing costs $35
Register online to schedule and pay for your Paraprofessional Certificate Testing
- Applied Math Exam
- Proficiency Exams
Proficiency exams give MCC students a way to demonstrate knowledge of the information taught in a class, by passing an exam similar to a final.
- Proficiencies are offered for math, business, and administrative office technologies and select other subjects. See the MCC Proficiency Exams List »
- Pick up a Proficiency Exam Form from Registration (A258).
- Pay the $25 fee at Registration, A258.
- Note: all proficiencies require appointments.
- Visit the Testing Center, A245, to schedule your exam with your completed Proficiency Exam Form with the required signatures.
- At the time of your exam, bring your completed Proficiency Exam Form and a photo ID. Turn that form in to the Testing Center at the time of your exam.
- We offer proficiency exams on Monday and Thursdays. Allow three hours for all proficiency exams.
- Call the Testing Center at (815) 455-8984 for an appointment time and additional details.
- Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)®
Students wishing to enroll in the nursing program will need to take the TEAS® test for entrance. TEAS® testing at MCC is currently only available for MCC students and is made by appointment. Visit the Nursing website ADN Program Preadmission Testing Guidelines for additional details. At MCC, we offer TEAS testing sessions in the fall and early spring.