Pottery Workshops
Schedule of Events
Date: September 27 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $100 for both days, including lunch
Location: MCC Pottery Studio, A145
Create with Us
Please join us for “Color Blocked Forms in Clay,” a two-day hands-on workshop with Chris Alveshere. Participants will learn Chris’ unique approach to creating parts and assembling forms out of colored porcelain, with emphasis on color choices, elaborate forms, and marbled clay techniques. Using simple processes, he will demonstrate how he pushed the boundaries of porcelain by creating and assembling complex, functional objects. Chris will demonstrate throwing, trimming, slab building, and how he used sprig molds. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to work alongside Chris and explore these new perspectives by creating a few of their own colored porcelain pieces.
About the Artist
Chris Alveshere is an artist, educator, and co-owner of Workroom Montana, a community arts space in Missoula, MT, and Flecks + Specks, a ceramic grog business. He currently teaches adult and youth community education classes in addition to maintaining a full-time studio practice. Originally from North Dakota, Chris received undergraduate degrees in ceramics and art education from Minnesota State University in Moorhead, MN, and his MFA in ceramics from Alfred University.
Each semester, MCC's art department partners with the Clayworkers' Guild of Illinois and the MCC Clay Club to bring in award-winning ceramic artists to lead a hands-on workshop. We charge a minimal fee for each workshop and open the workshop to the public.