
Explore energy and matter through the careful examination of principles in mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, and more.

Studying physics at MCC helps you begin your education to pursue careers in science, computing, engineering, and more. Courses in thermal physics, Newtonian mechanics, and electricity and magnetism provide a foundation to continue your studies and pursue your bachelor’s degree. As part of your coursework at MCC, you’ll conduct experiments in our new, fully equipped physics labs as well as media-rich online interactive labs.

If you have a passion for problem-solving, enjoy various applications of math, and are interested in how things work, a degree in physics might be a great fit for you.

Contact (815) 455-8750 with specific questions about this program.

Transfer Pathways are for students who plan to continue their education at a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree. Students take courses toward an associate degree at MCC, then transfer credits to the college of their choice. It is important that students work closely with an MCC academic advisor and their transfer school to verify degree requirements.Students take courses toward an associate degree at MCC, then transfer credits to the college of their choice. It is important that students work closely with an MCC academic advisor and their transfer school to verify degree requirements. See Transfer Degree details

Sample Semester 1 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: ENG-151,MAT-175,Select a Humanities Course#3 hrs,Select a Social and Behavioral Science Course#3 hrs, MCC-101

Sample Semester 2 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: ENG-152,MAT-245,PHY-291,Select a Life Science Course#4 hrs

Sample Semester 3 16 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: MAT-255,SPE-151,PHY-292,Select a Social and Behavioral Science Course#3 hrs

Sample Semester 4 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: MAT-260,PHY-293,CHM-165,Select a Fine Arts Course#3 hrs

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