Dual Credit Instructor Resources

Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Administrative Procedures and Handbook

MCC Technology for Dual Credit Instructors

Your MCC Login

Use your MCC username (the first part of your MCC email address) and MCC password, initially provided via email from MCC Human Resources. If you need to recover your username or password, visit IT Support.

  • Canvas

    Canvas is a college-wide learning management system that supports online, blended, and many traditional courses. Instructors and students have access to the myMCC page, which links to Canvas.  Learn more about Canvas

    Instructor Actions:

    • Update and complete syllabi each semester (one per section)
    • Publish sections each term so students can access MCC syllabi
    • Refer students to:
      • Online tutoring
      • MCC syllabus
    • Access course resources (if provided by department)
    • Integrate Turnitin.com with dual credit classes (optional)
  • Course Level Assessment

    Course Level Assessment assesses the degree to which students meet the specific learning objectives identified for each course. All MCC faculty and dual credit instructors are required to complete a self-assessment of these learning objectives once each semester. Please select one class to evaluate for the semester.

    Instructor Actions

    • Use the Course Level Assessment form to self-report one learning objective assessment for one course per term.
  • MCC Email

    Dual credit instructors must access their MCC email here. Important notifications, automated grading reminders, and general information are sent to an instructor’s @mchenry.edu email address.

    Instructor Actions

    • MCC email should be checked at least twice a week.
  • Self-Service

    Instructors use Self-Service to access official class rosters, census certification, and grading entry screens. See Self-Service > Faculty. Students also have access to Self-Service through their myMCC account where they can search the course catalog, order transcripts, find MCC services and supports, and access Canvas and MCC Email

    Instructor Actions

    • View the official MCC roster
      • Students are individually added to this roster once their DualEnroll registration is marked complete.
      • Report official census, midterm, and final grades.
      • Refer students to transcript requests, final grades, and billing.
  • SoftDocs

    Instructors submit forms in SoftDocs for situations such as census, midterm, or final grade correction, incomplete grades, or HR updates. They will then view feedback from their dual credit observation.

    Instructor Actions

    • Administrative Withdrawal - (instructor-initiated withdrawal of a student)
    • Grade Change Request – to change a final grade that was previously submitted in Self-Service
    • Midterm/Census Correction Request – to change a census report or midterm grade that was previously submitted in Self-Service
    • HR-Name and Address Change
    • Dual Credit Observation Form - review and sign

Your DualEnroll Login

  • DualEnroll

    DualEnroll is MCC’s educational technology software to register students in College in the High School (CIHS) dual credit classes. Instructors and administrators access DualEnroll to approve students in their courses, make section changes, and upload supporting documents for class requisites.

    Instructor Actions

    • Guide students to register for MCC credit on the first day(s) of the class.
    • Complete “Instructor: Confirm Enrollment” for each student in the DualEnroll dashboard, adjusting sections if needed.
    • Compare the MCC roster to the high school roster to identify students who may not be registered correctly.
      • If a student is identified as missing on a roster, confirm that they completed their registration request in DualEnroll.
      • If a student registration request is confirmed, notify MCC for assistance.
    • Review DualEnroll daily during the registration period.

Professional Development Opportunities for Dual Credit Instructors