Sample Semester 1 - Fall 14 Credit Hours
Course Ids: ENG-151 | SPE-151,MAT-175,CHM-165,MCC-101
Sample Semester 2 - Spring 17 Credit Hours
Course Ids: ENG-151 | SPE-151,MAT-245,CHM-166,PHY-291
Gain a deeper understanding of the world around you through the study of matter, its properties, and the composition of organic and inorganic substances.
The study of chemistry provides foundational instruction in critical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific properties that will help you continue your education or pursue a career in biology, earth science, physics, healthcare, or engineering.
At MCC, your studies in chemistry will explore atomic and molecular structure, thermochemistry and thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical bonding, biochemistry, and more—and will include plenty of hands-on labs in our new, state-of-the-art Liebman Science Center.
Contact (815) 455-8750 with specific questions about this program.
Transfer Pathways are for students who plan to continue their education at a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree. Students take courses toward an associate degree at MCC, then transfer credits to the college of their choice. It is important that students work closely with an MCC academic advisor and their transfer school to verify degree requirements.Students take courses toward an associate degree at MCC, then transfer credits to the college of their choice. It is important that students work closely with an MCC academic advisor and their transfer school to verify degree requirements. See Transfer Degree details