Bookkeeping Certificate

You have a good head for numbers. Maybe you've helped out a local business as an unofficial bookkeeper and you're considering a career change. Earn your Bookkeeping Certificate and learn how to analyze, record, and summarize accounting transactions manually, in QuickBooks® and using Peachtree® General Ledger.

As a bookkeeper, you'll be responsible for general accounting functions that include:

  • preparing general journal entries
  • maintaining balance sheet schedules and ledgers and bank reconciliations
  • assisting with monthly costing and account analysis

Contact (815) 455-8690 with specific questions about this program.

(in-district) Total Amount: $2,232

Credit Hours to Complete: 12

Weeks to Complete: 16

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What you need to know about getting your Bookkeeping Certificate (CIP 52.0302)

Total Bookkeeping Certificate Costs
Cost in-district out-of-district out-of-state international
Tuition $1,458 $3,949.8 $5,552.76 $5,552.76
Additional Costs $774 $774 $774 $774
Program Total $2,232 $4,723.8 $6,326.76 $6,326.76

What makes MCC's Bookkeeping Certificate program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions?

  • MCC's accounting programs are designed to be stackable. A stackable career track provides a pathway for advancement through a career ladder. The pathways are clearly-designed sequences of career-related courses. You can accumulate a sequence of certificates over time to build on your qualifications and to help you to advance along a career path. Stackable credentials assist you in advancing in your career, providing for higher paying jobs, which can lead to a higher standard of living.

What job opportunities are available to someone with a Bookkeeping Certificate?

Prepare to work as an accounts payable clerk, accounts receivable clerk, bookkeeper, or teller or as an entry-level accountant in business administration, operations, or a financial operations department.

How will MCC's Bookkeeping Certificate prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

  • Ask about internships with local businesses

What have graduates gone on to do?

  • Many students start as bookkeepers and continue on to get Tax Practitioner Certificates and their AAS in Accounting before earning their CPAs
  • Several students have opened their own businesses

Outside the Classroom

Additional Information

IRS: Tax Information for Tax Professionals

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Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

Students attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees. Prices for books and supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.