Hominin Skulls

The following menu contains links to all hominin species found in MCC's Hall of Human Origins. Not all species have a corresponding fossil replica skull. Where a replica skull is unavailable, we link to a 3D digitization of an original fossil skull and/or relevant descriptions. 

All skulls in MCC's Hall of Human Origins exhibit are reproductions purchased from Bone Clones, Inc.

The Bone Clones® Hominid line is composed of discoveries from anatomically modern humans, archaic humans, early Homo, early hominins, and other hominids. The majority of the casts in this line have been recreated by the Bone Clones team of anatomical sculptors. Some are reconstructions made by anthropology professionals using fragmentary elements from original discoveries and extrapolating the missing parts from those.

Each species' summary was provided by Bone Clones but may have been adapted and/or modified based on additional material and resources. Links to references can be found at the bottom of each page. Explore hominin species from the menu below.