Graphic Arts AAS

Combine creativity, technical skill, and interest in art by pursuing a degree or certificate in Graphic Design.

MCC's art department fosters a vibrant community of student-artists. You’ll find our studio space, instruction, and course offerings are diverse and up-to-date, cultivating ingenuity and creativity. Courses in the Graphic Arts program are open to all ages and abilities, and a wide variety of courses in the program cover basic to advanced skills.

You’ll learn techniques using computer-based applications and traditional approaches in design, drawing, and illustration. Opportunities for learning in Graphic Design include:

  • Adobe Design Suite
  • Color Theory
  • Computer Art
  • Digital Drawing
  • Graphic Design I and II
  • History of Graphic Design
  • Typography
  • 2D Design

You’ll graduate with a portfolio of work ready to share with potential employers and a solid foundation of knowledge to help you easily transfer to a wide range of public and private universities.

Contact (815) 479-7556 with specific questions about this program.

(in-district) Total Amount: $9,703

Credit Hours to Complete: 60

Weeks to Complete: 64

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Sample Semester 1 16 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: ART-250#3 hrs,WEB-105#3 hrs,GRA-125#3 hrs,GRA-185#3 hrs,ENG-151#3 hrs,MCC-101#1 hrs

Sample Semester 2 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: GRA-168#3 hrs,GRA-167#3 hrs,GRA-180#3 hrs,ART-252#3 hrs,Select an Arts or Humanities or Social and Behavioral Sciences Course#3 hrs

Sample Semester 3 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: ART-153#3 hrs,GRA-267#3 hrs,GRA-183#3 hrs,Select a Math or Physical and Life Sciences Course#3 hrs,Select a Program Elective#3 hrs

Sample Semester 4 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: WEB-175#3 hrs,DGM-275#3 hrs,SPE-151#3 hrs,Select a General Education Course#3 hrs,Select an Elective#3 hrs

Career Outlook

Related Programs

What you need to know about getting your Graphic Arts AAS (CIP 50.0409)

Total Graphic Arts AAS Costs
Cost in-district out-of-district out-of-state international
Tuition $7,290 $19,749 $27,763.8 $27,763.8
Additional Costs $2,413 $2,413 $2,413 $2,413
Program Total $9,703 $22,162 $30,176.8 $30,176.8

What makes MCC's Graphic Arts AAS program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions?

MCC’s Graphic Arts AAS program is taught by dedicated instructors who are working in the field of Graphic Design. Opportunities for large-format printing, use of state-of-the-art design labs, and access to education in related design fields allow students to enter the workforce prepared for professional design careers and ready to transfer to four-year institutions.

Related programs include:

Occupations that Graphic Arts AAS prepares you for

How will MCC's Graphic Arts AAS program prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

MCC’s Graphic Arts AAS prepares students not just in design skills but in professional skills, workflow, and design habits that will give certificate earners an advantage in the graphic design field. Students will develop writing, math, and critical thinking skills that will apply to numerous professional situations. Additionally, AAS degree earners will build a portfolio of work meant to showcase the professional design skills of each student, catering to their unique professional goals.

What have graduates gone on to do?

Graduates with the Graphic Arts AAS have found work within the county, developed freelance opportunities and pursued continuing education at transfer institutions.

Outside the Classroom

Students in the Graphic Arts program have the opportunity to collaborate with other students, display work, participate in VOICES magazine, and network in a thriving social media presence.

  • Mission

    The mission of McHenry County College’s Graphic Design Program is to develop students who are skilled in design, visual communication, and relevant technology. MCC students shall be distinguishable by their critical thinking, effective communication, professionalism, and technical competency. Students will use current and contemporary practices to demonstrate mastery in the Program Learning Outcomes.

  • Program Learning Objectives
    1. Utilize appropriate design processes to develop original ideas and creatively solve design problems.
    2. Apply the elements and principles of visual organization and design history to the development of original ideas, production process, and stakeholder needs/critique.
    3. Implement appropriate technology and tools to create and manipulate design.
    4. Demonstrate professional practices in design practice, collaboration, work flow, and project management.

    Degree: AAS in Graphic Design | Certificates: Fundamentals of Design, Graphic Design

Contact (815) 479-7556 with specific questions about this program.

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Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

Students attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees. Prices for books and supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.