It’s okay (and totally normal!) to be unsure about your next step or what you want to do with your life. But don’t let that get you down! Follow these steps to help you discover a path that’s perfect for you.
Who Am I?
The first step along your career pathway is getting to know yourself. The following assessments and other resources will allow you to learn more about your interests, personality, skills, and values. They will help you discover what career options may be the best fit for you.
Assess Your Interests
Assess Your Personality
Assess Your Skills
Assess Your Values
How do I explore my options?
Now that you better understand who you are, you can continue researching the career options that most interest you to make an informed choice. Do you know what major to pursue? Are you aware of the salary projections, skills, abilities, education requirements, etc.?
Explore Careers
- Career Coach: Browse Careers
- Earnings and job outlook for different occupations | Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Explore careers | Road Trip Nation
Explore Majors
Explore Salaries and Cost of Living
How do I decide?
This step involves continued research, utilizing campus resources such as the Advising and Transfer Center and Career Services, talking to faculty and professionals in the field, and attending career-related events on campus.
Campus Resources
Employer Engagement Opportunities
- Informational Interviews:
- Attend the Pathways to Your Career event series at MCC - Engage with faculty and local professionals to learn more about the career opportunities available within various industries and fields of study.
- MCC's biannual Job Fair and Other Networking Events
- Identify a Career Mentor
Work Simulations and Other Industry-Related Experiences
- Forage: Free Simulated Virtual Work Experience with Top Companies
- Take a course related to your desired career field. Explore MCC pathways by area of focus
- Participate in a student organization related to your area of interest
- Work with Career Services to arrange a job shadow or volunteer opportunity with a local employer
What do I do next?
Work on developing a strategic career plan to pursue additional coursework, strengthen your skills, and take advantage of work-based learning opportunities such as job shadowing and internships.
College Planning
- Not an MCC student? Apply to MCC
- Have questions? Speak with Admissions
- Ready to plan for your certificate or degree? Contact an Academic Advisor
- Peterson’s College Guide
- Resources and Tools For Students | College Info Geek